Monday, 30 September 2013


Date: September 30, 2013 

Area: Mabopane 

Companion: Elder K McKim

Hey Guys

So this week was pretty cool. we are having some good things happen in our area. the awesome family that we are teaching didn't come to church on Sunday! devastated. The last 2 times they said they were coming and then something legitimate comes up that makes them miss it, but as far as we know this week, they didn't have such an excuse. we weren't able to see them and ask them why but we will see.

That's the worst things about missionary work is people not coming to church! its probably the most frustrating thing and it seems to be a problem for missionaries all around the world. I don't understand why its so hard? especially how some people live so close! but I don't let it get me down. 

We had 2 investigators at church on Sunday, so things are not going too badly. We are having a few less actives come back and people bringing their friends to church so the members are helping out a lot.

I think Mabopane is one of the most organized units of the church I've ever seen. people home teach like crazy! one guy told us this week they have 30 families they are assigned to home teach! that's insane! and they go and see them all! we only have like 3 or 4 at home and still complain at times, everyone just does what they are supposed to, 

We had a cool street contacting experience on Sunday. we were just walking and we asked a guy for directions. he told us where we needed to go and then we started talking. he told us how he always saw our church and that he always wanted to go there but he is super shy and doesn't like being around a lot of people.

So we invited him and he said he would come this coming Sunday. we talked about the book of Mormon with him and 2 of his friends, we literally talked to them for over an hour just on the side of the road. tracking and contacting people here is really easy, everyone loves talking about God and the bible. the only negative with that is that there are 1000 churches in every area you go, and they are all false and teach people stupid things, so that when they hear the truth, they reject it because they think their church is right. this guy was genuine though and realised that what most churches are false. so were looking forward to teaching him. its a relief to know that people truly understand the bible and what it teaches so when they hear the book of Mormon, they realise its the same.

But yeah the greatest pday ever today!!!  we touched elephants! it was so crazy, I was so scared they were going to charge me. it was so much fun.

True African elephants in the wild! doesn't get much better. and at the same place we played with lion cubs again. these ones were awesome too! they bit me  and jumped all over me again. just a great p day.

Thanks again for all the emails


Elder Turney xxx

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