Monday, 30 September 2013


Date: September 30, 2013 

Area: Mabopane 

Companion: Elder K McKim

Hey Guys

So this week was pretty cool. we are having some good things happen in our area. the awesome family that we are teaching didn't come to church on Sunday! devastated. The last 2 times they said they were coming and then something legitimate comes up that makes them miss it, but as far as we know this week, they didn't have such an excuse. we weren't able to see them and ask them why but we will see.

That's the worst things about missionary work is people not coming to church! its probably the most frustrating thing and it seems to be a problem for missionaries all around the world. I don't understand why its so hard? especially how some people live so close! but I don't let it get me down. 

We had 2 investigators at church on Sunday, so things are not going too badly. We are having a few less actives come back and people bringing their friends to church so the members are helping out a lot.

I think Mabopane is one of the most organized units of the church I've ever seen. people home teach like crazy! one guy told us this week they have 30 families they are assigned to home teach! that's insane! and they go and see them all! we only have like 3 or 4 at home and still complain at times, everyone just does what they are supposed to, 

We had a cool street contacting experience on Sunday. we were just walking and we asked a guy for directions. he told us where we needed to go and then we started talking. he told us how he always saw our church and that he always wanted to go there but he is super shy and doesn't like being around a lot of people.

So we invited him and he said he would come this coming Sunday. we talked about the book of Mormon with him and 2 of his friends, we literally talked to them for over an hour just on the side of the road. tracking and contacting people here is really easy, everyone loves talking about God and the bible. the only negative with that is that there are 1000 churches in every area you go, and they are all false and teach people stupid things, so that when they hear the truth, they reject it because they think their church is right. this guy was genuine though and realised that what most churches are false. so were looking forward to teaching him. its a relief to know that people truly understand the bible and what it teaches so when they hear the book of Mormon, they realise its the same.

But yeah the greatest pday ever today!!!  we touched elephants! it was so crazy, I was so scared they were going to charge me. it was so much fun.

True African elephants in the wild! doesn't get much better. and at the same place we played with lion cubs again. these ones were awesome too! they bit me  and jumped all over me again. just a great p day.

Thanks again for all the emails


Elder Turney xxx

Monday, 23 September 2013

Another Baptism

Date: September 23, 2013 

Area: Mabopane 

Companion: Elder K McKim

€‹Hey guys 

This week has been really good, I'm getting used to the people and the culture change. Some things about my area, Taxis honk there horn when driving to pick up fares and just stop wherever they want and put on there hazards so that's really annoying.

Our chapel is write near a ZCC ( Zion's Christ Church) chapel, which is interesting. The area is huge and we walk one day and drive the next. I've been driving loads which I love, its a automatic which I dislike very much but am grateful we get a car. 

My companion is really nice he is from Australia. so last Monday we  went and spent 3 hours at a mall, which was boring. I wanted to play sports and my zone leader didn't we did an exchange. we then went and played sports, we played football which was nice, I enjoyed it. after sports we went shopping, its crazy everything is so expensive then I remember the exchange rate is like R15 to 1 pound so I just remember that. 

So throughout the week we have bee teaching some good lessons. there this one family, the mum is called Dineo and the dad is called Daniel they have 4 kids. 

So we go tracking on some street and come across her brother standing in there door way, we introduce ourself and he welcomes us in and we start teaching him, then Dineo walks in and says "guys its been so long". me and Elder McKim look at each other puzzled, she says "do you not remember me" and were like "no", she says "2 years ago you guys painted my house", were like "were pretty new to the area" she is like "ah OK, well I haven't seen missionaries for 2 years" so we start teaching her, then after a couple of lessons her kids join and  we leave them all a book of Mormon and come back 2 days later and there all there reading them so obviously little kids they have tones of questions, there a sweet family I think they will all join the church and become a powerful family.

 There is this other lady called Wilhamina, she's about 70 years old, she has a strong faith of Jesus Christ and knows he is true, she is not a member and we have only started teaching her a week ago but everything she says is doctrinally correct, she's a really kind lady but she is weak and suffers from a lot of pains, but she wants to come to church.

 This week has been really good, the food here is really nice, there is a thing called pap which I love, ask a friend who comes from South Africa and they will tell you what it is. also there sausages here are a lot nicer then the ones at home there like 10 times meatier then ones at home. 

I'm really enjoying the time spent here. 

I'm grateful for the short time I have to serve the lord. 

I'm grateful for all the emails you  guys are sending and the support you give me.

look forward  to hear from you all next week

Elder Turney 

Monday, 9 September 2013

New Area New Companion

Date: September 09, 2013 

Area: Mabopane 

Companion: Elder K McKim

Hey guys,

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. Unfortunately I have not yet received any cards or presents.

I am now in a new area called Mabopane, its a township, and my new companion is Elder Mckim, from Adelaide Australia, he seems like a cool guy. 

On Tuesday which is when we did the transfers, we went to Romans pizza for lunch and it was really nice, then we drove to our flat and on the way we went shopping so I could get a few things. Everything seems so expensive but the exchange rate is at 13 rand to the pound.

We went back to the flats and I unpacked  on Wednesday we were in our area, it seems really nice the people are so nice.

We have been teaching some good lessons. Thursday to Sunday was pretty much the same, we've had some good lessons the people are so nice, there so accepting of the gospel. 

Sunday was nice I bore my testimony in fast and testimony meeting.

The people in my district are cool there names are Elder Dalton from Utah and Elder Tew from Utah haha.

My home sickness is going away but is still there but its healing.

I'd like to bear my testimony that I know the church is true, I know that Joseph Smith did see Jesus Christ and heavenly father. I know the Jesus Christ died for us. I know that we can be with our families for all time and all eternity, and I'm grateful that I get to be with my family for Âll time and all eternity and I look forward to living in the celestial kingdom. I love the church and I love my Heavenly Father. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.


Thank you guys once again for the birthday wishes and can't wait to tell you all about my stories when 

I return home with honour, 

love your guys,

take care 

love Elder Turney

Monday, 2 September 2013

First Baptism

Date: September 02, 2013

Area: Kwa-Thema 

Companion: Elder Lulama Mnamata

Hi Everyone,

It's great to have all your emails, I've started to do a mass email to save time because I don't have time to write t you all individually each week as I have to write to President and My mum, so I will be sending her an email each week and she will pass it on to you all.

Monday was an awesome day got to email, then go shopping to buy food. then we got to play sports with loads of missionary's. after the sports out district went to the Mumbundas. there a member family who normally cook a feast but this week we missionary's cooked.

On Tuesday we had our interview with president Omar, following the interviews, we went to our areas to do work. We had a Dinner Appointment.

On Wednesday we did splits with the zone leaders and I spent my day with Elder Ronsley from England. he is a cool guy and we taught some cool people. 

We had a Dinner Appointment and I tried dry pap with sour milk on and I couldn't  eat it so thankfully Elder Ronsley switched with me he had normal milk, I found out later that he was gagging all the way through. 

On Thursday we had more lessons we taught Palesa, Thabiso, Karabo  and had a Dinner Appointment at sister Zulus who cooked us a feast I Love sister Zulu. 

On Friday we only taught a few people. so it was boring but we soldiered on. 

On Saturday we spent till 4pm fixing a puncture, it was a bit of a rubbish day didn't teach many people. 

Sunday was awesome had my first baptism which was cool her name was Karabo. 

Today for p day were having a braai ( South African BBQ ) and sports then to Mumbundas. 

Thanks again guys for email and I am sending a memory card with pics home,

which mum will put up for You all  to see.

Take care guys

Love Elder Turney